On December 6, 2023, Jeff Kaufman, Beta Pi ’80, hosted an annual cocktail party and dinner for 23 Beta Pi alumni at the Redeye Grill in Manhattan.

Once again, the Redeye Grill provided Beta Pi with the premier location within the restaurant for the occasion. In the front room, featuring a full-glass wall for viewing, the Beta Pi faithful had a grand view of 7th Avenue. This time, the weather cooperated; it was clear and brisk weather outside while the Beta Pi alumni enjoyed the warmth of the indoor temperature as well as the warmth of renewing their life-long friendships.

The cocktail hour conversation fell heavily on a discussion pertaining to Liz Magill, President of the University of Pennsylvania, and the impact she had on Penn. At this time, she had already appeared before the Congressional committee investigating the rise of antisemitism on college campuses but had not yet resigned. The consensus was that she had made a string of unpopular decisions that has thrust the University of Pennsylvania into the national spotlight in an unfavorable way. In addition, the world looked on as she answered the committee’s questions with what some people described as a smirk (perhaps showing her contempt for the committee?) or a smile as she explained that advocating genocide of the Jewish people is contextually permissible.

Dinner was served at two round tables seating 11 or 12. Over a menu featuring a guacamole starter, appetizers of salad and calamari, entrée choices of salmon, chicken, and pasta, and dessert choices of delicious chocolate cake or cheesecake, brothers moved onto different topics of conversation.

Between courses, the subject matter was mainly about personal experiences, family, and business. It seemed four or five conversations were simultaneously going on at each table. If you were there, you could have learned how to barbecue steaks directly on the charcoal – no grill needed, Benjamin Netanyahu attended Cheltenham High School in the Philadelphia area, and which of your fraternity brothers was inducted into Serbian royalty as a Commander of the Royal order of Stefanovich/Lestari.

The one thing everyone agreed on is that they all were looking forward to this year’s dinner. As mentioned by Ross Weiner ‘80, Beta Pi Alumni Association President, “A good time was had by all.” Many brothers came from afar to enjoy the company of their life-long friends. Those brothers that made an extra effort to attend from a distance are given special recognition. In attendance were:

Buddy Altus ‘80        Eric Brodsky ‘81 (Boston)          John Feder ‘80
Mike Halpern ‘80 (California)  Dave Horing ‘81      Eric Morgenstern ‘81
Lawrence Orans ‘80      Paul Reszutek ‘76  Fred Rubin ‘80
Marc Rothman ‘82 (Philadelphia)   Greg Sembler ‘80 (Florida)    Bora Sila ‘80
Rob Stavis ‘81              Ross Weiner ‘80               Pete Gordon ‘82
Sam Weinstein ‘81 (Nashville)     Rob Oringer ‘79 (Florida)     Adam Amsterdam ‘79
Jeff Abramowitz ‘80 (California)   Steve Kreichman ‘79       Tom Brodie ‘81
Jeff Kaufman ‘80  Morty Cohen ‘65  

Make it a point to attend the annual December 2024 dinner. Contact Jeff Kaufman at to be placed on his personal invite list. When arrangements are made later this year, you will receive the information and first notice of the event.

A big thank you is extended to Jeff Kaufman for organizing this very special event. Make plans to attend. You will not be sorry.