Philadelphia Magazine Top Dentist 

Appearing in the March 2023 edition of Philadelphia magazine on its annual list of Top Dentists in the Philadelphia region is Dr. Louis P. Tarnoff, Beta Pi ’66. Brother Tarnoff is an Assistant Professor at the Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry. Philadelphia magazine states that selections are made for this list on the basis of “thousands of detailed evaluations of dentists and professionals by their peers”.  

Congratulations to brother Tarnoff for this very notable achievement. 

Paul Zaentz Documentary Debuts in San Francisco 

The Paul Zaentz, Beta Pi ’69, produced film, Coup 53, examining the events surrounding the overthrow of the Shah of Iran in 1953 and the consequences of these events toward foreign relations between the United States and Iran to this present day, has finally been commercially released to movie theaters for in-person viewing. Due to COVID-19 protocols, previous viewings were limited to the internet. 

Paul’s film, that received rave reviews from just about every professional film critic, as well as a 100% fresh rating from Rotten Tomatoes, recently debuted at the Roxie Theater in San Francisco. Public demand was so great that a second showing was scheduled. 

After learning of the strong public response , Laemmle Theaters in Los Angeles scheduled screenings at the Royal Theater in West L.A. and the Twin Center 5 in Encino, California. 

Hopefully more screenings will follow at other theaters.  

Beta Pi Active Chapter Has New President 

Having received an offer of immediate employment he could not refuse, Lucas (Losch) Loschiavo, Beta Pi ’21, left Philadelphia to begin his career in New York City. Unfortunately, Losch, a dedicated member of Pi Kappa Alpha and a devoted brother to his fellow members, had to vacate his position as President of the undergraduate chapter. 

Taking his place as President is Jack Kollmar, Beta Pi ’21. Jack is also a dedicated and devoted brother to the present 45-member chapter. Prior to becoming President, Jack was a Vice President of the chapter.  

The Beta Pi Alumni Association congratulates Losch on his good fortune and wishes him only the best as he moves forward. Jack is congratulated on his appointment as President and the alumni association looks forward to working with him to ensure the continued success of Beta Pi. 

Andy Miscio is Retired in Colorado 

Andy Miscio, Beta Pi ’62, reports he is enjoying his retirement in Colorado. Every day, he is able to look out his front window for a magnificent view of the snow-covered Rocky Mountains.  

Originally from Long Island, New York, he moved to Colorado and was able to successfully begin a career in real estate investment. He has two children and his wife, Veronica, is a great cook and makes sure he eats healthy.  

Andy declares that the time he was in Pi Kappa Alpha was the “best time of my life”. At Beta Pi, he served as Vice President when Conrad Bosley ’61 was President. He has been in touch with many of his PiKA contemporaries and has fond memories of Hugh Glukenhous ’62, Jeff Sacco ’62, and especially the checkers games he played with Rich Kopelman ’62. 

If you wish to connect with Andy, he would love to hear from you. His email address is, his telephone number is 970 482-6066, and his street address is P.O. Box 92, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522. 

Beta Pi Alumni Meet for Dinner 

On Friday, March 31, 2023, a group of Beta Pi alumni met, for what has become an annual event, at the White Dog Café on Penn’s campus. 

Enjoying the fine cuisine at the White Dog were Bruce Wolfson ’71, Joel Catania ’71, Mark Perna ’68, Rich Sussman ’69, Paul Vogt ’68, Rich Myers ’69, Ken Widelitz ’69, Paul Zaentz ’69, Morty Cohen ’65, and Bill Kenney ’69. The highlight of the evening occurred when Morty Cohen got the attention of the entire table and announced, “George Santos is from my congressional district and I voted for him!” The table erupted. You can only imagine everyone’s reactions.  

Throughout the dinner, rather than discuss matters that were to be covered at the next day’s annual Beta Pi meeting and Founders Day dinner, the brothers eagerly shared their personal activities, triumphs, and accomplishments, as life-long friends at the fraternity that brought them all together.  

The Hermanators Ride Against Parkinsons Disease 

On September 9, 2023, the Annual New England Parkinsons Ride will be held. In honor of Jerry Herman ‘72, lifelong friend to so many Beta Pi brothers and longtime supporter of his beloved fraternity, Pi Kappa Alpha, a group of bicyclists named The Hermanators will ride the course. The Hermanators team is a labor of love organized by Jerry’s wife, Linda, and all funds, raised by the cyclists and non-cyclist donors to The Hermanator team, will benefit the Michael J. Fox Foundation for research toward a cure. 

Further details to follow will advise how you can make your personal donation and join the fight against Parkinsons.