If you have a son who is newly attending Penn in the fall of this year or is an upper classman, the brothers of Beta Pi want to meet him. Fraternities have never been more important to fulfill a student’s satisfaction with the college experience.

Entering college can be a daunting experience. Penn offers many opportunities to participate in various clubs and activities. It can be very helpful in the development and maturation of your son to be actively involved at Penn. By joining Pi Kappa Alpha, your son will immediately have more than 50 friends with a common vision: “For the establishment of friendship on a firmer and more lasting basis”. Most campus activities will end at graduation. The benefits and friendships obtained by joining a fraternity do not end at graduation. These friendships will often last a lifetime and continue even when there are great distances of separation. Pi Kappa Alpha is one of the finest, if not the finest fraternity on campus. There can be no better place on campus for your son.

You can expect to create a greater bond with your son if he joins your fraternity. He will feel the importance of being a Pike. As an example, Joey Cohen ‘02, son of Morty Cohen ‘65, and Justin Levine ‘05, son of Joel Levine ‘70, each became President of Beta Pi Chapter during their college years.

After graduation, the Beta Pi Chapter House provides an “anchor” for anyone visiting the campus. It will be a place where your son will always be welcome.

If you feel Beta Pi is the right place for your son, nephew, or anyone else attending Penn, contact Morty Cohen at Put “Beta Pi” in the subject line. Let him know how to contact your son. Put your son on the road to having the same life-long friendships that you have enjoyed. Start a Pi Kappa Alpha tradition in your family.